For those attending,please bring all camera equipment,any software for downloading photos,and if you havent used it for ages please re familiarise yourself!
Workshop Day 12th Feb
location The garden Room,The community centre,Forest Row.
10am start. -intro
William & Janine - our own brief history.
Everyone introduces themselves,brief history of their photography and what their camera is.
10.30 session 1.
depth of field (visual examples and notes will be given).
Any questions (Specific questions to do with your own cameras aswell)
11am coffee
11.20 - 12 session 2
practical on focusing,depth field,composition
we will have various set ups for you to take photos of.
12 - 1.15pm session3
lighting talk
practical together , photographing each other
1.15pm-1.45pm lunch provided by us.we will provide lunch on site.
session 4
Quality of photo & software - general info
practical,downloading & printing
3.30pm tea and final chat